Twelve Animals Kentaro NagaiI

Graphic Artist, Kentaro Nagai, creates animals from the Chinese Zodiac by using maps of the world.

Here is a picture of the Monkey

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On various websites, it shows all the maps he has created of the Zodiac Symbols and all are so intricate and unique. I find it quite fascinating that he was able to construct different animals using the every piece of the world universally linking all life together. It is pleasing to the eye having it in black and white. The simplicity of this map creates such a strong message celebrating the Chinese Culture and it’s impact on the world. Even though I am not Chinese, I have been made aware of the Chinese Zodiac and find it appealing. I believe this map is trying to express that the human’s take and create from the world around them. History and culture transcend through time and someone or something is constantly binding us together in some way, shape, and form. It is quite beautiful.

I have tried to look up more of this artist work but it is very hard to find. He doesn’t seem to have a wiki page or anything really. The website I found the other pictures from says that this project was on displayed in some art festival in China and I believe Japan.

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